Member-only story
Jesus and the woman caught in adultery: Where was the man?
A different take on Jesus and the woman caught in adultery (excerpted from Second Born):
Simon Peter had appointed himself and his brother Andrew as bodyguards. Anyone trying to get to the King would have to come through them first!
Just this morning they had tried to trap him. A man stepped out from the mob. “Rabbi, it is good we have found you this morning. We were about to take this woman outside the city walls and stone her,” he said, indicating a young black-haired woman whose arms were tightly held by two large men. She twisted and turned every way but could not escape their grasp.
As the group caught up with the halted leaders, the mob spread out in a semi-circle facing Jesus and his followers. Many already carried stones in their hands.
Jesus held up us hands, palms outward, to silence the group. “What would you stone her for?”
The leader who had stepped forward spoke out again. “For adultery, Rabbi. She was caught in the very act of adultery. Since the days of Moses our laws have been very clear on this matter. The adulterer must be stoned to death.” A chorus of agreeing shouts rose up from the men behind the speaker.
Jesus again held up his hands for silence. “Very well,” he said. “Where is the man?”